Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Art of Caregiving

    I hear the word 'Art' and think of my darling niece, Darci Bertelsen, who has been trained in art since the tender age of three.  She has always been creative and disciplined.  I remember her making jewelry or finger puppets for her friends and cousins.  I remember being on a four-wheeler ride with her on the back of my vehicle.  We were in Bullion Canyon on the Paiute Trail in Marysvale, Utah.  We had stopped on the trail to wait for others to catch up and there on the side of the trail was a thistle.  Most people would look at a thistle and possibly try to avoid it because of the rough exterior.  Darci looked at it and said, "I love thistles.  Most people think they are just purple but they have so many different colors in them to make them purple." Pretty wise for a 12 year old.

Darci continued her study of art at Utah State University in Logan where she graduated last year with her degree.  She recently entered a piece of her art to be considered for the Springville Museum of Art Spring Salon 2011. More than 1,000 entries were received and of those, 250 pieces were selected for the show.  She was one of the privileged few. She also received an Award of Merit by the judging committee. All the work, the training, the studying, is paying off for her and her career will surely be successful.
Self portrait by Darci Bertelsen

     Looking at the many illnesses of the elderly and what is required of family, friends and caregivers when dealing with a loved one with an illness, I realize that caregiving is also an art.  Many times, because of the behaviors associated with Alzheimer's or other Dementias, your loved one can resemble part of that thistle; a very rough exterior. But with study, creativity and discipline, you will be able to appreciate the many colors that make up the beauty of caregiving.
   Please find a caregiver support group that you feel comfortable with and attend regularly.  You will find so many wonderful ideas to help you make the best of your caregiving situation. 

A perfect way to start preparing for caregiving is to attend the UCARE classes through Mountainland Agency on Aging and The Red Cross.  Lots of information is covered in this 9 week course. Class begins March 29th at Parkway Health Center, 55 South Professional Way in Payson (Just East of Mountain View Hospital). They will be every Thursday at 7 PM. I will have all of the info you need to get started on your caregiving journey.  Hope to see you there!

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