Monday, November 7, 2011

Take Our Hospice 101 Quiz to WIN!!

*Many of you are having a difficult time leaving your answers here. Wish I knew why:/ Feel free to go back to the Facebook link and leave your answers there to make sure you are in the drawing! Thanks for your efforts!

Would you like to be entered into a drawing for a $25 Gift Card to Applebee's? Just take our Hospice 101 quiz, leave a comment with your answers and a way to contact you, email, phone, etc., then POOF! you are entered. We won't use your info for anything but this quiz as we are trying to find out what people know about hospice and how we can better educate the public on what it offers. Good Luck...and remember, you don't have to have the correct answer, we just want to know what you know.


1.      What is Hospice care?
a.       A really cold place inside the hospital
b.       Nursing care focused on comfort and quality of life for terminally ill patients
c.       Also known as Palliative Care
d.       Both b and c

2.      What qualifies someone for Hospice?
a.       A doctor certifies that patient probably has about 6 months of life expectancy
b.       Patient has terminal illness and is not seeking curative treatments
c.       Elderly patient who has increased decline, weight loss and/or hospital visits
d.       All of the above

3.      How is Hospice care paid for?
a.       Medicare and most insurance have a Hospice Benefit and it does not cost the patient anything.
b.       Private pay
c.       A patient’s savings or checking account

4.      What does Hospice care offer?
a.       Nursing, Aides, Social Services, Spiritual Services and Volunteers specifically trained in end-of-life care
b.       Improves quality of life for terminally ill
c.       Comfort, compassion and dignity during end-of-life process
d.       All of the above

Thanks for participating and check back on November 10th to see who the lucky winner is!!
(Don't forget to put your answers and a way to contact you        as a comment!!)


  1. 1. D
    2. D
    3. A
    4. D
    I"m not sure where to post my answers.
    Chris Pyne

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  5. Добрый день! Представляем вам справочное издание о применяемых медицинских средств. В путеводитель вошли сведения о не менее чем 700 выпускаемых лекарствах, выпускаемых нашими и иностранными фармфирмами. О любом медикаментозном средстве представлена полная инфа: состав и форма выпуска, целительные свойства, показания к использованию, правила использования, вероятные побочные эффекты, взаимодействие со спиртными напитками, противопоказания и взаимодействие прочими лекарственными средствами, а также вероятность применения при беременности, грудном вскармливании. В путеводитель введен тематический указатель, где представлена информация о том, какое медикаментозное средство необходимо принимать при тех или иных синдромах, состояниях, заболеваниях. Путеводитель расположено на медицинском портале. Не болейте! Баланопостит, Толперизон, Буфенин, Эмфизема легких, Фактор свертывания крови IX человеческий, Алклометазон,
